Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bella's hippo

Bella is learning how to sit, stand and walk on her little hippo

Even on the grass- which she hates

Riding her hippo like a bull


bella had just eaten some blueberries and raspberries and she looks like she got beat up the poor little girl- including her hair looking like it got pulled :>{ haha

curlers again

Bella's sweet sweet curls
Here we are at the swimming pool with Maysen (Bella), Dallas, Gage, and Bennett. Gage went under water before Bella.
We went swimming with Amanda and Jack......

Bella is a freakin' fish. She might be half trout

Janessa's Mother's Day present to Paul

Some creapy motorized skateboard- I was the best

Kim, Crystal, Bronzen, Brock, Jessica, Bella, Tonya, Jim, and great-great gma Helen at Brock and Jessica's graduation party- wahooooooooo

Bella had been helping me work in the yard lately... she got to see her first real life lady bug.... then she zonked out in her high chair- she worked hard with me

Bella with some crazy hair

Bella is hiding under her toy, then she got stuck in it

Bella unloading dishes at her Great-Great-Grandma's house.... she's so helpful

Bella is petting the fake dog's hand. . . .and wondering why she's not getting slobbered all over--- this dog isn't like Hank or Max at all.. .